Alls Well If It Ends With Wells
There's only one positive way you could spin this: anybody is better than Brett Tomko (we've all been saying that for weeks now). Even David Wells, at 44 gives you a better chance to win. Not much better, but a tiny bit better.
Nobody will remember this if it fails, but if Wells gets juiced by appearing in New York on national television, Colletti looks like the master showman. In his dreams, the win energizes the team which goes on a roll and makes it to the post-season, where Wells is money in the bank.
Too bad this dream is from 1998. I'd say Wells is more likely to win the Coney Island hot-dog eating contest than any World Series games this year.
But at least Sunday will be entertaining. I had already started to look for things to do that night rather than endure the agony of another Tomko start.
Nobody will remember this if it fails, but if Wells gets juiced by appearing in New York on national television, Colletti looks like the master showman. In his dreams, the win energizes the team which goes on a roll and makes it to the post-season, where Wells is money in the bank.
Too bad this dream is from 1998. I'd say Wells is more likely to win the Coney Island hot-dog eating contest than any World Series games this year.
But at least Sunday will be entertaining. I had already started to look for things to do that night rather than endure the agony of another Tomko start.
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