stuff I think

Since 1965

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Genius, part tw

I was sunned to hear Joe Girardi falling all over himself about LaGenius’s move to hit the pitcher eighth instead of ninth. If it’s so important to have runners on base in front of Pujols, then put your two best hitters in the 1-2 hole. Then, when the Cardinals did load the bases in the third inning, he acted like LaGenius was somehow responsible for Furcal making the error that allowed the whole debacle to unfold. Puh-leeze.

I expect such lunacy from Cardinal fans and commentators who never played the game, but I have more respect for Girardi, who actually played the game and understands that you get more at-bats for your best hitters, not your .180 hitters. They also quoted LaRussa as saying the pitcher only hits two or three times; the remainder are occupied by pinch hitters who might be better hitters than the #9 hitter. Really? If they’re such good hitters, why aren’t they in the starting lineup? Does every team in the NL have a Jack Cust, a guy who kills the ball but can’t play the field a lick?

Compared to Forrest, however, LaGenius at least looks like he’s thinking. His moves don’t always make sense, but they’re an attempt to shake up a lineup that continues to do nothing. Another 0-for-four from Furcal, more Ramon Martinez and his .176 average, more lack of production from Pierre. Why must he be in the lineup every day? All this against Braden Looper! 10-9 Braden Looper with an ERA

Meanwhile, Andre Ethier continues to be a doubles machine. There’s even a story about it in the paper today. Unfortunately, it would seems Forrest doesn’t read the paper, because he continues to bat Ethier below his prized veterans. I like Loney in the 3 spot, but Ethier could go there as well, or the five-hole. Put Kemp in the middle and all of a sudden you have a nice righty lefty mix in the 2-3-4-5 spots.

It might be too late, however. If you don’t win the Derek Lowe games against the Cardinals, who is it that you can beat?


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